Chamonix, France First Stop of Freeride World Tour

I am on my way to Chamonix for the first stop for the ladies of the 2014 Freeride World Tour! A lot of people have been asking me why I am competing again or look at me say you are competing again? The thing is I love skiing and I love pushing myself at skiing and skiing with other girls and guys that enjoy the same thing. I own a business now, so I can not just leave to pursue my skiing passions at the drop of hat so competing is a great way for me to still be able to be a part of a competitive sport I do love so much. This will mark my 7th year competing, I won the tour in 2012 and then shattered my leg on a mountain bike a month later. Last year I thought I was ready to compete and that my leg was fine, I was lying to myself! I competed last year, but I had an incredibly hard time with my confidence and I was in constant pain in my Tibia. ( I broke my Tibia in 2 places and fibula in one)I was plagued with constant severe shin bang and pain every time I pressured my right ski. Then in my last competition in March I re-injured my leg with a severe bone bruise that once again put me out for 2 months from skiing and most activities. My goal last year had been to qualify for the finals in Verbier, Switzerland and I did do that (which I was happy about!), but was not able to compete because of the second injury. It is amazing what your mind can tell you because now that I am skiing injury free it is the most amazing feeling, I never realized how stubborn I was and how I tricked myself into thinking that I was fine! I am still working on the mental part of competing again, but physically I feel strong, ready and pain free!! The competition is set for this Saturday the 25th of January in Chamonix. I could not be more excited and nervous to go out of the start gate again. Thank you friends, family, my fiancé and sponsors for still supporting me in my passion!The event will be live but check out for for up to date information.

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